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Dajana Csongrádyová, Partner, NITSCHNEIDER & PARTNERS

Dajana Csongrádyová


Bratislava, Slovakia

About Me

Dajana Csongradyova joined the NITSCHNEIDER & PARTNERS office in 2015 as a junior associate and since 2021 has been working here as an attorney with more than 7 years’ experience. In the field of labour law, in addition to the preparation and commenting of labour law documentation, she focuses on the area of termination of employment and collective redundancies, social security, collective bargaining, and transfers of employees. She also provides clients with advice in the field of healthcare, pharmacy, and commercial law. Her focus is also on consulting in the process of registration of medicines and medical devices, including clinical trials and therapeutic use.  

Dajana Csongrádyová's Passles

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Ius Laboris Annual Congress 2022

Ius Laboris Annual Congress 2022

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Môže byť finančný príspevok na stravovanie predmetom exekúcie?

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