Beauty for all?
The Slovak Advertising Standards Council (SRPR) assessed the complaint against the advertisement of a big cosmetic chain Douglas, in...
The Slovak Advertising Standards Council (SRPR) assessed the complaint against the advertisement of a big cosmetic chain Douglas, in...
The Slovak Advertising Standards Council (SRPR) assessed the Food Chamber's complaint against a series of Christmas advertisements of the...
The National Council of the Slovak Republic has approved in the first reading a new act that defines new obligations on the advertisement...
As the only EU member state, the Slovak Republic adopted a meat origin amendment to the food law which imposes an obligation on all...
Súboj medzi obchodnými reťazcami Lidl a BILLA pretrváva už dlhšiu dobu. Posledným „úderom” v tomto súboji bola printová reklama...
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