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Dusan is a founding partner of NITSCHNEIDER & PARTNERS employment practice with over 15 years’ experience of advising national and international clients on employment issues both in and out of court. He considers the year 2012 to be a significant turning point in his career when the office became the first Slovak representative of Ius Laboris. After having won the title in the Employment Law section in the local Law Firm of the Year competition five times out seven, the office confirmed its leadership in the industry.
Dusan is an unconventional and creative lawyer. He heads the firm’s Labour & Employment, Litigation, and IP practice and has overall responsibility for the strategy of the office and its business activities. Dusan has an extensive litigation practice with a focus on wrongful termination cases with white-collar employees and non-competition matters. As a part of his activities he provides training and counseling to clients, various public authorities as well as foreign institutions. He is also a regular speaker at employment law seminars and conferences. Dusan is a member of the Slovak Bar Association, Ius Laboris, Member of the Board of EELA representing the Slovak Republic, as well as Vice-president for the EMEA region for GALA.
In 2020, Dusan defended BAND 1 rating in Chambers Europe 2020 edition, and thus became the only best-rated employment lawyer in Slovakia.
In the EMEA Legal 500 directory, Dusan has been ranked among elite Leading individuals. He has been praised by clients for his “huge experience in the labour law area, pro-client approach and ability to always come up with a relevant and effective solution.”
Dusan is located in Bratislava (Slovakia).
He is able to communicate and provide legal services in the English and Slovak languages.
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