We are delighted to have maintained our top ranking, granted by the prestigious Chambers and Partners Europe Guide 2024.
With an unwavering commitment to excellence and client satisfaction, we confirm our top position with the BAND 1 ranking in the EMPLOYMENT LAW as an independent law firm.
Furthermore, we are proud to highlight the recognition of Dušan Nitschneider who has been individually ranked as BAND 1 (Employment) in this year's guide as the only lawyer in Slovakia.
Success is never created in the spotlight but always behind the scenes! The team's hard work, professionalism, and positive attitude have been instrumental in achieving our goals.
We extend our gratitude to our clients for their trust and continued partnerships.
These Band 1 rankings reinforce the law firm’s reputation as a top-tier firm of choice for clients seeking practical, innovative, and commercial legal solutions in the area of employment law.
More information is available here.