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Notable experience
Provided legal services to Hamilton Group, major French developer group operating in countries of Central and Eastern Europe in connection with sale of real estate property – an extensive manufacturing plant from the beginning of the 20th century (partly protected as a national historical monument) in the center of Bratislava, comprised of more than 20 buildings located on land plots of the total area of more than 43.000 m2 to the construction company YIT Reding, member of international construction group YIT Group with the seat in Finland.
Provided legal services to shareholders of InterWay, major Slovak IT company, in connection with the sale of their shares in the company to a strategic investor active in Central Europe, engaged in information technology and offering comprehensive, proprietary IT solutions for all sectors of the economy.
Provided legal services to the French developer group Hamilton Group in connection with complex refinancing of its residential projects and a shopping centre located in Mlynská dolina, Bratislava and in connection with construction financing of new residential projects in Bratislava.
Provided legal services to a Czech developer in connection with initial public offering (IPO) and issue of bonds in total contemplated nominal value of bonds amounting to approximately 20 million Euros.
Provided legal services to AutoCont Holding, one of the biggest Czech IT companies in connection with a complex corporate restructuring, including LBO, merger of companies with more than 20 individual shareholders and transaction financing.
Provided legal services in connection with a contemplated acquisition of a major Czech football club by a private investor.
Provided legal services to Hamilton Group in variety of corporate and business matters, including negotiation of construction contracts, sale of flats in residential projects, lease of premises in administrative buildings and a shopping centre, mergers and spin-offs, business settlements, sale of real estate, financing and refinancing of its projects, representation in civil and administrative proceedings, etc.
Provided legal services to private investors in connection with acquisition of a residential building in Bratislava and its reconstruction and subsequent sale of approximately 100 flats.
Regularly provides legal services in the area of advertising and media law to local and international clients, including for example Visa Europe, Mondelez International, Infiniti, etc.
Peter participated in providing legal services to the financial group KBC concerning the sale of a pension administration firm in the Slovak Republic.
He provided legal services to shareholders of Novofruct, a leading Slovak producer of food supplements, concerning the sale of a majority stake to a foreign strategic investor.
He participated in providing legal services to the Italian Rhiag Group, one of the biggest European distributors of spare car parts, concerning the acquisition of a group of companies in the Czech and Slovak Republic and subsequent intended public offering of shares on an Italian securities exchange.
He provided legal services to Sekyra group, a leading Czech developer group, regarding the sale of a group of companies encompassing all their projects in the Slovak Republic to a French investor.
He participated in providing legal services to a leading world air carrier in a tender concerning an intended sale of a majority stake of ČSA, Czech national air carrier.
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