2nd year anniversary of the GDPR in Slovakia. What has changed in the last year?
I have been cooperating with the NITSCHNEIDER & PARTNERS team since 2020. I currently focus mainly on labor law and intellectual property law.
During my previous four-year career, I worked with colleagues from local and international law firms, who accompanied me on my first joys, successes, but also pitfalls associated with the law.
I graduated from Comenius University in Bratislava and for the final topic I chose the issue of an invention created by an employee during an employment relationship. I also dealt with this during the semester spent abroad at the University of Novi Sad.
I am also no stranger to the area of personal data protection, where I provide clients with advice from the so-called beginnings, through the correct setting of measures and the preparation of daily documentation.
In my free time, I like to read a book, ideally with a good coffee in one of Bratislava‘s cafes. I like good humor (sometimes even worse) and in the evening I like to watch my favorite series.
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